ANMS 2025S

Advanced Numerical Methods and Simulation


The course covers several numerical methods to solve time-dependent partial differential equations using finite elements and stabilisation. Advanced methods for turbulence modeling, multiphase flows, complex fluid flows and aerothermal modelling of complex systems will be given. Finally, the course will be completed by error estimator needed for anisotropic parallel mesh adaptation.


Times: AM 09-12, PM 13:30-16:30

Location: Room I/E102 or I/E201b.

Week 02Location
07. JanuaryI/E201BA. Larcher & E. Hachem “Numerical Solution of PDEs with Finite Element Methods” (9:30-12:00 AM+PM)
09. JanuaryI/E102A. Larcher & E. Hachem “Numerical Solution of incompressible flow with Finite Element Methods” (9:30-12:00AM+PM)
Week 03
14. JanuaryI/E201BR. Valette “Some models and resolution methods for complex fluids flows” (AM+PM)
16. JanuaryI/E102J. Viquerat “Coupling machine learning with CFD” (AM)
M. Bernacki “The Level-set method” (PM)
Week 04
21. JanuaryI/E201BP. Meliga “Hydrodynamic instabilities and the route to chaos” (AM)
A. Pereira “Soft matter in flow” (PM)
23. JanuaryI/E201B
A. Rbah “Introduction to Fluid-Structure Interaction” (PM)
Week 05
28. JanuaryI/E102F. Pigeonneau “Natural convection in a square cavity: Scaling and numerical analysis” (AM+PM) Lecture + Lab
30. JanuaryI/E201BT. Coupez “Anisotropic mesh adaptation” (AM)