This seminar is a requirement for validating the first-year of the doctoral programme.
The bibliography review conducted during the first 3 months of the PhD should be presented in a written report then at the seminar.
The objective of the presentation is to position preliminary research questions in the context of the PhD projet, highlight the relevant hypothesis/models/methods, establish an overview of the state of the art in the literature, and discuss future works.
The bibliography report should be submitted by email to Dr. Larcher and Pr. Hachem 7 days before the seminar.
The document should:
- be written in English,
- maximum 12 pages (excluding the cover page and including references),
- using the provided LaTeX template.
The defense consists of a 15 min presentation in English followed by questions from the evaluation committee and a scientific discussion with the audience; 30 min is allocated to each talk.
The PDF document of the presentation should be submitted the day before to Dr. Larcher and Pr. Bernacki, to cope with any potential technical issue.
The evaluation committee provides a grade based on the combined report and presentation:
- A: Validation
- B: Validation with recommendations
- C: Decision of the committee
In case of Grade C the year is not validated unless the committee allows it under special circumstances.
Fall-Winter 2024
The 1A Seminar – will take place at CEMEF Amphi Mozart on 04. February 2025 from 14:00 to 18:00. Final schedule to be confirmed.
Fall 2023
The 1A Seminar will take place at CEMEF Amphi Vinci on 12. December 2022 from 9:30 to 12:00. Final schedule to be confirmed.
09:30 – Ugo PELISSIER «Interaction fluide-structure et apprentissage profond par renforcement pour le contrôle des anévrismes intracrâniens et l’optimisation de stents»
10:00 – Ricardo EL KHOURY «Réduction de la traînée induite par les biopolymères dans des écoulements turbulents»
10:30 – Eliane YOUNES «IA et jumeaux numériques en métallurgie»
11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – Tianchi LI «Nouvelles perspectives dans la description de la mobilité réduite pour la modélisation de la croissance des grains et de la recristallisation à l’échelle polycristalline»
12:00 – Pungponhavoan TEP “AI and digital twins in metallurgy – Front-tracking modeling of evolving interface networks”
Fall 2022
The 1A Seminar will take place at CEMEF Amphi Vinci on 16. December 2022 from 9:00 to 12:00.
09:00 – Roman GELLY “State-of-the-art on topological transformations during 3D front-tracking simulation of grain growth”
09:25 – Théodore MICHEL “On thin structure modeling methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions simulations”
09:50 – Abdelilah RBAH “Interaction Fluide-Structure de l’anévrisme intracrânien : modélisation, simulation et évaluation des risques”
10:15 – Maxime RENAULT “On the CFD modelling of haemodynamics in the aorta”
Fall 2021
The 1A Seminar will take place at CEMEF Amphi Mozart on 15. December 2021 from 9:00 to 12:00.
09:00 – Wael BADER “On randomized linear algebra methods for solving large scale linear systems in computational mechanics”
09:30 – Elie DELPLACE “A short overview of 3D front-tracking methods dedicated to grain boundary motion at the mesoscopic scale”
10:00 – Pablo JEKEN RICO “On the CFD Modelling of Hemodynamics in Intracranial Aneurysms”
10:30 – Jennifer EL ZAHABI “Physical Modelling of defect formation in Lost Foam Casting”
11:00 – Adrien TALATIZI “A short overview of analytical and numerical models for the modeling of wave propagation in polycrystalline materials”
11:30 – Aurèle GOETZ “How to model intracranial aneurysm walls in the context of high-fidelity FSI simulations?”
Fall 2020
This year’s 1A Seminar will be organized at CEMEF Room I/R014 on 17. December 2020 from 9:30 to 12:00. Given the Covid situation the event will also be held on Zoom, due to limited room capacity please prefer remote attendance.
09:30 – Wassim ABDEL NOUR “Optimization Methods of Heat Transfer Systems”
10:00 – Louis-Vincent BOUTHIER “Modelling and simulation of acoustical-thermomechanical couplings in complex fluids”
10:30 – Thibaut DEVOS “Different methods used to solve compressible flow”
11:00 – Cynthia HAYEK “Multiphase flow and high fidelity simulation for Lost Foam casting”
Fall 2019
The first 1A Seminar will be organized at CEMEF Room I/R016-017 on 16. December 2019.
09h30 – Aakash PATIL “Preliminary survey on Physics-Informed Deep Learning for subgrid-scale modeling of turbulent flows”
10h00 – Ghaniyya MEDGHOUL “On the link between stopping criteria and error estimators”
10h30 – Joe KHALIL “Towards a full Eulerian framework for fluid-solid-heat treatment”
11h00 – Sacha EL AOUAD “Sharp interface method for FSI LES simulation”