PPSC 2023F

Programming and Parallel Scientific Computing


The course provides an introduction to C++ programming and algorithms with a focus on scientific computing. An overview of the C++ language is provided: specification, arithmetics, memory, performance, object-oriented design for component-based software, and advanced topics in numerics using templates. Distributed and shared-memory parallel computing are then approached with exercises related to numerical methods for PDEs.


Location: I/E102 + Zoom Visioconference.

Time: AM: 09:00-12:00, PM: 13:30-16:30

Week 46
13. November I/E102 AM: Introduction to shell and git (Jonathan Viquerat)
  I/E102 PM: Introduction to supercomputing, finite-precision arithmetics and data models
16. November I/E102 AM: Procedural language programming: application to linear algebra
Week 47
22. November I/E102 AM: Models for parallel computing and performance metrics
    PM: Distributed Memory Programming Models
23. November I/E102 AM: Applications of distributed scientific computing (Jonathan Viquerat)
  I/E102 PM: Distributed Memory Programming Models
Week 48

27. November

I/E102 AM: Shared Memory Programming Models
28. November I/E102 AM: Object-Oriented abstraction for numerical frameworks in C++: example of mesh topologies
  I/E102 PM: Iterative solvers and applications

Project deadlines: TBA.