Students enrolled in the doctoral program come from various backgrounds including Mechanical Engineering, Mathematical Modelling for Mechanics-Physics, Computer Science, Scientific Computing, Applied Mathematics, …

Academic promotions

Find below the list of pages for each academic promotion:


The doctoral program consists of three academic years (from September to July) denoted hereafter as 1A, 2A, and 3A.


Validation of the first year is subject to successful completion of four requirements:

  • November: Doctoral courses, Fall term (32 hours).
  • December: Submission of bibliography review and presentation at 1A Seminar.
  • February: Doctoral courses, Spring term (32 hours).
  • June: Submission of 1A advancement report and talk at the PhD Day seminar.

Registration for the second year is approved in September.


The second year is mainly focused on research activities.

  • May: Attendance to “Journée des doctorants” organized by ED.SFA.
  • June: Talk at the PhD Day seminar and meeting with the committee (“Comité de Suivi de Thèse”).
  • July: Decision of the committee for the validation of the 2A.

PhD candidates are encouraged to present their research at a national or international conference provided that they have submitted an article to a peer-reviewed journal.


During the third year PhD candidates are expected to present their research at a national or international conference.

The final months are devoted to writing the manuscript, designating the grading committee, and preparing the defense.

Should the PhD student intend to defend the next civil year a meeting with the committee need be organized to allow registering for another academic year.

Program coordinator and tutors

The program is coordinated by Marc Bernacki, Professor at Mines Paris and head of the MSR research group at CEMEF.

Each academic promotion of the doctoral program is assigned an interlocutor who is in charge of organizing the academic year and supporting the students:

  • 1A – Aurélien Larcher
  • 2A – Franck Pigeonneau
  • 3A – Marc Bernacki