
Validation of the first and second year of the doctoral programme is conditional upon successful advancement defense.


The advancement report should be submitted by email to Dr. Larcher and Pr. Hachem 7 days before the oral presentation.

The document should:

  • be written in English,
  • maximum 20 pages (excluding the cover page, including references, 3 pages for appendices allowed),
  • using the provided LaTeX template.


The defense consists of a 20 min presentation in English followed by questions from the evaluation committee and a scientific discussion with the audience; 30 min is allocated to each talk.

Whenever the Ph.D has started after the autumn semester, two cases:

  1. Ph.D starting more than 3 months before the defense: combined bibliography and advancement defense.
  2. Ph.D starting less than 3 months before the defense: only bibliography defense, then advancement defense is scheduled in September at a time decided with the committee.

For a defense combining bibliography and advancement the duration is set to 25min, while the duration is kept at 15min for a bibliography-only presentation.

Bibliography + Advancement (late start)25min

The PDF document of the presentation should be submitted the day before to Dr. Larcher and Pr. Hachem, to cope with any potential technical issue.


The evaluation committee provides a grade based on the combined report and presentation:

  • A: Validation
  • B: Validation with recommendations
  • C: Decision of the committee

In case of Grade C the year is not validated unless the committee allows it under special circumstances.

June 2024

First-year PhD students will present their research work.

The seminar will be held on 24. June 2024 from 09:00 to 18:00 at CEMEF, Amphi Mozart and on Zoom.

June 2023

First-year PhD students will present their research work.

The seminar will be held on 20. June 2023 from 09:00 to 12:00 at CEMEF, Amphi Mozart and on Zoom.

June 2022

The seminar will be held on 30. June 2022 from 09:30 to 17:30 at CEMEF, Amphi Vinci and on Zoom.

First-year and second-year PhD students will present their research work.

June 2021

The seminar will be held on 30. June 2021 from 09:30 to 12:30 at CEMEF, I/R016-017 and on Zoom.

June 2020

The seminar will be held on 23. June 2020 from 09:00 to 18:00 at CEMEF, Amphi MOZART.